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Air Film Carriers and Air Cushion Spares

Application: They are used to transport very heavy loads (up to thousands of tons) such as transformers, locomotives, etc. in the production area. The carrier platform slides omnidirectionally on a thin air film and thus provides great flexibility. Equipment is customized according to customer  needs.

Features: Versatile movement and precise positioning, easy maneuverability, no wear on the ground, no need for rails or guides on the ground. Very quiet and trouble-free operation, clean and safe working environment

Spare part: We have Spare Airbags for use in equipment with a lifting capacity of 500 T, suitable for all Air Film Carriers and various pressure classes and capacities.

  • Budget friendly Only a fraction of the cost of other transportation methods.

  • User friendly Easy to use and installs in minutes.

  • Trustworthy The weights are lifted just above the ground by low air pressure alone, without releasing any exhaust gases.

  • Low ground load No damage to floors and very low floor load.

  • High capacity Suitable for very heavy loads.

  • Correct positioning Weights can be positioned with incredible accuracy

  • No flicker When moving sensitive, technical equipment, even the slightest shaking can be harmful.

  • Ergonomic  Virtually frictionless movement requiring minimal effort.

  • Low installation height The 0.4'' minimum installation height is the lowest installation height in the industry.

Aerial Film Carrier, Aerial Film Spare Tire, Transport, Omni-directional movement, Precise positioning
Hava Filmi Taşıyıcı Yedek Lastikleri
Aerofilm Systems - Polyurethane Air Casters

Polyurethane Air Casters

Polyurethane Air Wheels are designed with polyurethane material.
Has the least wear of all Air Wheels.

Aerofilm Systems - Neoprene Air Casters

Neoprene Air Casters

Neoprene Air Wheels are coated with membrane and neoprene.
These Air Wheels are ideal for high lift.
Works in combination with load modules.

Aerofilm Systems - Gap Crosser Air Casters

Gap Crosser Air Casters

Gap Crossers are the best solution when:

  • Uneven pavement and cracks.

  • Gap Crosser can easily pass through cracks.

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